Sunday, October 28, 2007

Your day

Lord, I give this day entirely to You -- I retain none of it for myself.
It is Yours.
If on this, Your day, You send me joy -- I thank you.
If on this, Your day, You send me loneliness -- I will draw closer to You.
If on this, Your day, You send me sorrow -- I accept it.
If on this, Your day, You send me peace -- I will share it with the anxious.
If on this, Your day, You send me pain -- I will suffer it with You.
If I accept good things from You, should I not also accept unpleasant?
Since this is Your day, which You graciously have given to me, and which I now in intention return to You, help me to live it well; not to waste what You have given on idleness but to use it as You have designed.
Help me to remember how well the day goes when it is given to You. I trust that You will give to me this day all that I need and that all that is given or withheld is for my good. With all this in mind, help me to live this day with You in joy. Amen.


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