I wrote the following a couple days ago, didn't publish, and guess I might as well post now on my lunch break:
As I said before, married life is great! However, this past week’s been fairly stressful because:
- The house has a lot more work than we’d planned on, and,
- School’s starting! That means a bit more commotion and excitement than I’d like right now.
As for the rest: I’m quite the creature of habit, and with the start of school there hasn’t been a chance for any habits to really be established. Today was the fist day of class, and this morning Matthias was still working on picking his class schedule. (Yikes! What a procrastinator :-P ) On top of that, the office rotation here at work has recently been mixed up and turned around, so I’m out of my work routine.
Last Wednesday marked the first visit of the in-laws (all except dad-in-law). Brother-in-Law (BIL) happily transferred into Notre Dame this semester. So MIL & SIL came to move him in to his new dorm…and of course they stayed with us. They left on Friday and the next day my family came out to bring my Brother back to Holy Cross. It’s been fun, but also very hectic having everyone around!
Hopefully things will calm down soon and we’ll get settled into a good routine.
PS Ummm now it's Friday and things still haven't calmed down!
One of my favorite parts of marriage is wonderful ability to seriously consider having children. Babies! So exciting! My summer housemate and I spent a good deal of time together in preparation for our weddings just grinning from ear to ear at the thought of them.
Maternal instincts set to hyper-drive, baby fever has set in, and that’s just the way it is.
Fortunately our husbands are well aware of this. Her’s even made an attempt to quell the infantile storm by proposing a ban on the word ‘baby’ and using ‘progeny’ in its stead. Somehow with the right intonation, squeal of delight, and goofy grin that word has the same effect. He tried.
From my end, working at a pregnancy resource center is the worst way to fuel the familial fire. Babies, babies, babies all day long! Girls my age coming in to the office who are on their 5th or 6th pregnancy (seriously) are no salve.
Trying to extend the family tree right away is probably a really bad idea for a few reasons. So, we’ve lumped ourselves in a group with most of our friends who’ve gotten married this summer: we’re going to try to wait two or so years before we actively try to conceive. (Or something like that….That’s what we’re all saying…..we’ll see how that goes!)
The best reason, that’s actually sating my baby fever for now (surprisingly), is health. I really need to get myself healthy to be the best mom I can. On my to do list: gain a few pounds, eat more, eat healthier, work out, get back into shape – and then maintain that healthy lifestyle.
Rats. That all sounds like the rest of the world: running around frantically screaming about diet and exercise. …expect that I’m trying to gain instead of loose.

Regardless, I’m going to read it and see what it says.
Sounds like fun! :-P
That sounds like a book we ALL could use! Good luck getting healthy! I'm working my way down while you work your way up, but you know what? We both have about the same amount of time to prep for those babies! :) So I'm working on that and trying to figure out NFP... geeze louise why can't there just be a magic button that says "Nope, not today." Seriously, wouldn't that be easier? Yep I think so!
Okay and I think we need a chat soon! We haven't had a chance to have one in like... forever. I want to hear how your married life is going and I want to hear about if from you not your blog! haha I'll try to give you a call when life settles down sometime soon.
um, ditto caitlyn minus the babies thing. I'm going to try calling soon. OOH. I'm coming to town for ND/NV. maybe i'll see you then.
Haha! You both should call soon :-)
:) Oh and PS - I get to LIVE with a baby from now until the wedding. Talk about baby fever. Geeze.
Haha, I'm also dieting, but not trying to gain or lose. Maybe we three should start a support group (Because, you know, I love support groups even more than I love dieting).
I have no advice about healthy eating habits in attempting to conceive and bring to term. I just don't.
But, I will say, thanks for dinner last night. And with your good cooking I'm sure both you and Jon will be gaining weight. ;-)
God bless.
Fr. Michael
About that two year thing. Yeah. We were going to try that too. It lasted about four months ;o)
No seriously, we'll keep you in our prayers--it's an exciting time with many important decisions, and many changes!
Original Mary Liz,
CONGRATULATIONS on your wedding!!!!
I'm so happy for you. It couldn't have happened to a sweeter gal.
Had a woman (a friend, actually) come up to me at the church picnic and ask me if I had baby news. I smiled and kept drinking my beer and said that no, we'd been married 7 years and so...no. She said she'd been praying for my husband and me and saw a vision of us with a new baby. (Our Mary Liz who came to us through the miracle of adoption is 2.5 now and the Light of our Life, you will recall.)
She insisted. "It's like it's already happened." She just kept repeating this. It was kind of freaking me out.
So you KNOW that 2 weeks later I took a test and it was positive!
(I was about 1.5 weeks past conception when she told me - before implantation, even.)
(Not really, she's a darling, lovely, holy woman.)
-Cathy from SJC
Aaahhhh! Cathy!! CONGRATS!!
I am so happy for you and your family!
Be assured of many prayers! :-D
P.S. When are you due?
Thanks, ML!
We were shocked and amazed and delighted.
I'm due sometime at the end of April. I'm just about 9 weeks along.
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