Sunday, October 11, 2009

Rosary Rally

On Saturday, the Children of Mary of the University of Notre Dame (a student group independent of the international organization of the same name) and Notre Dame Campus Ministry sponsored a beautiful Rosary Rally on campus.

The email announcement from Children of Mary was as follows:
The first of hopefully many annual Rosary Rallies: Saturday, October 10, 2pm at the Grotto. The prayer begins with the Living Rosary, a devotion zealously promoted by Fr. Patrick Peyton, CSC. 60-some people will each represent a bead of the Rosary, and we'll all join them to pray the Glorious Mysteries, with a sentence from Scripture before each Hail Mary. There will also be hymns to Our Lady after each decade. Then we'll process over to the Alumni Hall chapel for a 'Marian Hour' (or half-hour) of Adoration and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

The Rally was wonderful! Thanks to Fr. Neil Roy, beloved professor-priest and one of the most popular Canadians on campus, many of us learned a good number of very POD hymns. I think for the majority of the people present, Saturday's rally was their first living rosary. I remember members of the Blue Army coming and sponsoring one at my high school a few times, but it wasn't quite as involved as this Rally.

Unfortunately, due to midterms and the like, attendance wasn't quite as high as anticipated; but a respectable number of students and a few faculty members braved the chilly October weather to celebrate Our Lady's feast.

Photo Credits: me 10/10/09

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