Monday, February 08, 2010

Mondays, Mondays

61. A Saturday with nowhere to be

62. My new toy - a cell phone with music playing capabilites! (It's been 11 months since my technology died)Since we got new cell phones recently I've been using old cell phones until they die completely or just going without. Still no internet at home though...but you know what, that's ok. Technology is overrated and takes you away from the people around you.

63. An updated blog layout. It's been the first time I can think of that my blog is not black. I think I like it. What do you think?

64. 3 consecutive days of sun in South Bend!

65. A Monday that's not half as bad as I expected

holy experience


Francesca Pio said...

I like the new blog color!

Claire said...

I like the new look! And I am very jealous of your three days of sun--as I'm sure you know, we've had nothing but snow, snow, and more snow here in MD. Spring can't come soon enough!

Mary Liz said...

Yay! I'm glad you two like it.

Claire, don't be jealous of the sun. It's all gone now and we have snow all over the place. Maryland still owns the sun and Indiana remains a black hole.