Sunday, July 30, 2006

A Long Overdue Post

My most sincere apologies to me friends and readers once again for my terrible lack of updating! This summer has flown by and I can barely believe that a mere THREE WEEKS from today I will be once again be home in Notre Dame.

My jobs have been keeping me on my toes - perhaps a little too much. Work certainly isn't boring. Working with the public never fails to bring an endless stream of insanity and/or amusement to one's life. Usually the end of the day leaves me far too exhausted to write anything of any substance - so I haven't bothered trying.

There are however two major things I must note.

1) My dear friend Lucy has decided to start blogging again. You can read her wonderful notes on her post-ND experiences here at

2) The other day, July 26, was the feast of St. Anne, my confirmation patron. My story with St. Anne has been one of those that just keeps unfolding a little at a time, each part better than the one before. She has truly been a wonderful patron thus far and I have no doubt will continue to be so.

1 comment:

Claire said...

Glad to see you're back! I was starting to worry. :)

The summer has indeed flown--too quickly, I'd say, as I'll be back at Catholic in two (!!) weeks. Alas.